And if your real old school than never should a girl look a man directly in the eye, please only speak when spoken to. Five lashings for forgetting to dot your I's and cross your T's. Make sure to serve your man the biggest piece of chicken and serve him first, encouraged to marry a hardworking rich man with good genes from a good family, to sit up straight and if we disobey pray we don't get beat.
Oddly enough some girls are also taught to put on make-up to enhance what features God has given them as if God's blueprint was wrong. We wear clothes tighter cause it makes us look skinnier and in my case fatter. We stick our stomachs in when someone cute walks by. Fake laugh at stupid jokes, flick our hair in provocative ways, pretend to like stuff knowing deep down we could give two shits.
Cook, Clean, Cater, Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
We convince ourselves we don't need men when they fail us, or kids when we think we can't give birth. A part of us dies inside when the one thing God has put us here to do is unreachable and it's then that we realize how much we really did want children to begin with. We soothe ourselves with false lullabies when we feel inadequate. No matter how much we try and not conform to the mediocre stereo types put forth by the media and Old Navy in the end we buy the jeans and the perfume and the hair products and the make up and dresses. We all secretly want to be skinny and we just lie to ourselves when we say we are happy just the way we are. We are programmed that way since birth.
Most strive for perfection but instead sell themselves short with undeserving men, undeserving jobs, undeserving friends. Never ending to-do lists that max out their stress capacity and tolerance levels. We leave our full time jobs only to go home and punch in for our second full time job. We hold our breath desperately for the weekends even when nothing is planned.
We compete with each other instead of backing each other up and supporting each other, guiding each other.
In this whirlwind, we somehow forget what we are worth if we are even worth anything. All these tasks become so routine that we can't fathom not doing them on a daily and lose respect for women that don't care to do them secretly burning with envy that we ourselves don't possess that trait of not giving fuck.

Everything we are taught since birth is either put into play or out the damn window. I don't care who I fart in front of. I use to. I'll pick my nose when I think no one is looking and your damn straight I been busted. I only really play with one boy on a daily basis. I use fowl language, keep my privates private and I curtsy when I can.
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