You come from a good family. Your parents stayed together. You graduated with honors and enroll in a good college, community of course cause there's still a little bit of slacker in you from your mother's hispanic/afro uncle. You buy a car nice enough to get you around town but sure won't get you automatic valet service at Westfield. You party enough to maintain your social cool and still manage your grades well enough to transfer to that university your father was pissed you passed up in the first place. And as much as you swore to God you would never drink again as long as you survive hugging Mr. Kohler all night you somehow find yourself en route to that typical Saturday night shindig . Here's where you find her. That choice encounter that changes your life. You crossed your heart and hoped to die that you would never do it. You were gonna finish school first, do some traveling second, but who could resist those tits? Before you know it you're married with children doing that job that had nothing whatsoever to do with your major and as you sit there bickering with an arrogant, pompous, self-righteous customer you secretly wish for a better understanding of how the fuck you got here.
WORK, WIFE, HOME, BILLS, KIDS, SHIT, SHOWER, CRY, MASTERBATE WITH YOUR TEARS, READ, ARGUE, SHAVE, SLEEP, CRY, MASTERBATE, BATHE IN SELF-LOATHING... then it stops. All sense of caring, emotion, effort, feeling, devotion, out the window. You are there dude. You didn't think it would happen so soon but there you are, in FuckitsVille. You weren't meant for this shit. You were meant for something way greater than your wife and kids would ever understand with their needy, grubby, greedy minds. So instead of going home you opt for a night out with the guys instead. Drinking leads to more drinking leads to loose broads leads to lost phone leads to adultery leads to regret leads to guilt leads to more self-hatred leads to more fights leads to divorce leads to isolation leads to a phone call leads to a pipe leads to an alley way leads to absolute paradise numbly perfect. Doesn't undo what's taken place, doesn't erase it just clears it from your brain for this slight moment of self indulgence. You're certain the pain will be back, but that's tomorrow's worry. This exact moment you will sit and just bask in your failures... wear that face of shame proudly good sir. It took a while to get here kid but you are here. Part of the elite, you my friend are no ordinary bummed out guy. You were meant for greatness.
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