HER: 'You're fucken serious right now?'
HIM: 'I don't know what your talking about...'
HER: 'I'm sitting here practically on my knees and obviously in denial about the person I thought you were. Hoping that the part of you that cares shit about me would apologize for doing what you have done.'
HIM: 'You're really delusional if you think talking that way is gonna get an apology out of me.'
HER: 'Seriously, I could fucken slap you right now.'
Bothered by his begrudging ways, belittled from her begging, and broken in bits from bitter betrayal. She partly believed his bigotry had been cured. Bereaving this bond would be hard.
HIM: 'You know, that's your problem. You talk like an angry teenage boy.'
HER: 'Trust me considering what the fuck is going on right now, talking like a teenage boy is the LEAST of my damn problems.'
HIM: 'I don't know what stories you have built in your mind, but I can tell you right now NONE of them are true.'
HER: 'Really?? For REALS?? You're gonna insult me that way? Well why don't you and your infinite genius ass mind help my poor little second-class brain understand then??'
HIM: 'I can't, not right now. I haven't got the words yet and it's still too soon.'
She carefully contemplated all counter blows conscious that no amount of clever come backs could erase what's already been spoken. Consumed with emotion she was completely aware that cultivating any type of caring from this creep would prove pointless.
HER: 'So that's it? That's my spectacular answer? I have been wasting my fucken time with you! Why couldn't you be a damn man and come to me FIRST?!'
HIM: 'This wasn't a thought out elaborate plan that needed your approval. It just happened and I didn't mean to hurt you. Or anyone for that matter...'
HER: 'How conveniently fucken typical. You didn't mean to hurt me?? Too late for fucken that and really when I think about this shit ass relationship that's all you have ever done is hurt me...'
HIM: 'Well then why did you stay in it then?'
HER: 'You want a bullshit answer or the truth? Cause I can give you what you've been giving me all these years. BULLSHIT! I really can't even believe you have the nerve to talk to me that way.'
Down to the depths of her soul she knew deeply now that the demise was near. Dammit how did this happen? Deciding to diverge the disillusioned heart swelling in her chest, she deliberately dumped her demeanor and leveled with him.
HER: 'You know what, I'm not gonna do this with you anymore. I know this fucken cycle I know this damn routine. You do this shit all the time. You are so fucken predictable it's pathetic. I am at a turning point with you.'
HIM: 'I'm pathetic? You just confessed that you have no idea why you have stayed with me this long because all I have done is treat you like shit. At least I can say more than that about why I stayed in this relationship.
HER: 'Really? I wish I could fucken say I didn't care why or that I am not in the least bit interested to know why you did because I think you're just a lazy prick that was too coward and not man enough to face me and be honest....
HIM: 'I loved you.'
HER: 'LOVED?????'
HER: 'You disgust me...'
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